James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

POST DRAFT 1 : Why Netflix serves as a tool of Mpatapo -- Knot of Reconciliation. --ABC THE VIEW -- Fri Feb 8th
3 messages

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:55 AM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, Mama - Roni Drskill <firedancer42@hotmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>


There is NO ESCAPING THE FACTS --- that Netflix should offer a COMMUNITY TYPE SHARING ACCOUNT --- such would be for the residence of Chesney KlineJohn Apartments.

Note that the CURRENT DAY LOCATION from which this is being written from is a VALID GOOGLE LOCATION PUBLISHED as a SCHOOL. 

And I have not yet changed its definition -- for matters of COMMUNITY SPACE --- Darrel says I cannot be a school.

SO I THOUGHT IT OVER the past few weeks since he has said that...



Any Objections?   Although legally Darrell I don't think you have standing over what it is currently allowed is legally valid and permissible.


As I had mentioned to you --- IF THERE IS SOMETHING STRANGE OR NOT AT CORRECT LEVEL WITH THE ESTABLISHED PROPERTY --- SUCH SECRETS ARE GOING TO IMPEAD INTO MY DOMAIN OF CHOICE.  That DOMAIN is the same domain we all have.  Are there any secrets?  I don't know.  and for the matter of all facts here  from a quote from the MOVIE --- GONE WITH THE WIND:

Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn - Gone with the Wind ...

May 26, 2011 - Uploaded by Movieclips
Rhett (Clark Gable) leaves Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) in tears, but she still finds hope in tomorrow. ... Gone With the ...

This is the matter to why I used the statement COMPLIANCE has been  my addresses about my car onto the @REALUPHUMAN Badge.

If there was something FISHY in the way this building is put into existence --- for which I think for all matters true and concerned -- ALLEN TEMPLE MANOR had such secrets to hold when I addressed my concerns.  That is WHY they choose EVICTION over RECONCILIATION of these matters


A Cross over of all issues now ARISES.

I am GAME to ESTABLISH THE TRUTH to ALL TIME HUMAN HISTORY --- Are you WITH ME or AGAINST ME -- well that determines why you would be AGAINST ME I suppose.  Secrets ?  There shall be NO MORE SECRETS. 

Thank you.


Oh this is very interesting...

Also when she introduces her concept it's a good thing... At the reconciliation of relationships were at hand that was an uncle and a brother. There is a good reason for this yes I agree. Tell one reason why it is in at the office of the Netflix office on my work when I realized it was on my long distance walk route back in September of 2013. That is what is an address to which Netflix and I wanted to follow up with and never did. This is how Netflix in itself can be at an exchange or tool offered for reconciliation of relationships. I'll tell what is it against the Terms of Service. Against the Terms of Service is Julie giving out your password to put our relationships outside of family. And boyfriend and boyfriend and girlfriend and girlfriend handsets has to be also included in family.

I live at an apartment building complex where the best TV service coming from for the building is provided to all the residents by the management. Let's steal also it is broken from the internet it is not good enough. For it is the baseline of my account at Netflix my account and then my username that I would like to address a community level netflix account would be great. Will they do it they will not do it I wonder. And then we need a community level curiosity stream account as well. And community-level Hulu account as well excetera excetera excetera

Http://alongwalkofbeauty.us : On route between walk day 9 and 10. According to current day.. that office is now closed.

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:59 AM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, Mama - Roni Drskill <firedancer42@hotmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>
The FULL URL of my Google+ Post is here:


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James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:22 AM
To: Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com>, Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>, Mama - Roni Drskill <firedancer42@hotmail.com>, Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>
I updated the INTRODUCTION POST as follows:

James Driskill's profile photo
Feb 09, 10:34 AM
Oh this is very interesting... [ AS POSTED IN ROUGH DRAFT Rev1 - Will Fix this Later -- for two concerns are present here. The Location Marker and then the security of my door from the events that led to my CAR being STOLEN from the back lot here at my apartment complex on Jan 14th. I did however recover my vehicle. And how that in of itself remarkable was established is because I hold the domain set that I do. My car has shown itself upon return to establish HIGH CONFIDENCE that it was already embedded in a den of thieves who were working on it -- stripping it -- under what is termed a CHOP SHOP. When they realized the truth to the person who owns this car. They reversed themselves and placed upon the street with a driver. My car recovered but the driver never charged. What is going on people? ]


PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ATTACHED AND VIEW THE SINGLE PHOTO MEDIAS.  Very interesting.... I will follow up with full revisions to final from this draft of this post after my door is secured.  That is my next agenda for my day.

Good Day ALL ---This is just CROSSING over to REAL TRUTH --- as I encounter it -- nothing planned out in advance to catch up on my HULU QUEQE for The View after I woke up this morning.

Darrell, this is what I do as MISSION WORK.

OUTSIDE in the community and OUTSIDE to ALL of the WORLD -- I work effectively on these same issues.  And for that my boyfriend JOY BADWOUND can attest to the facts that I do in fact do this both inner community and outer community work simultaneously. When the inner community does not listen but the outer community does -- there will be a CONFLICT beyond merit to why this has established itself so RELUCTANT to change.

It is time to change.

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